Department of diabetology at gunam deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Gunam Super Speciality hospital follows a systematic approach in management of diabetes. Under the proficient leadership of qualified doctors, the department provides a robust diabetic treatment facility.
- Doctor consultation
- Diagnostic tests for evaluation
- Diet counseling
Special clinics for:
- Type – 1 Diabetes,Type-2 Diabetes,Gestational diabetes and Obesity clinic.
- Expertise management of DKA.
- Early detection of diabetic neuropathy.
- Prevention of diabetic retinopathy.
- Management of sexual dysfunction in diabetes.
- Monthly diabetic education programmes for patients.
- Diabetic foot care unit.
- Lifestyle modifications and avoidance of stress by our yoga therapy services.
- Beyond glycogenic control" providing a good quality of life" for all diabetic patients is our aim.
- Bariatric surgery is an appropriate treatment for people with TYPE 2 DM and obesity not achieving recommended treatment targets with medical therapies